Tuesday, January 8, 2008

So I got into a major fight with my roommate last night. Until about midnight last night I was completely clueless as to what had happened the night before. Zach filled me in on some things- and then proceeded to tell me that the guy I had made out with slept in Zach's bed and gave him a blow job. Yum, right?

I'm not in love with the guy or anything- I WAS attracted... but it's definitely a whorish action on both their parts. Zach is not a looker by any stretch of the imagination (maybe I'm not either) and, in my opinion, the guy that "blew him off" made a bad decision (he was also drunk).

The only reason Zach tells me these things, however, is to try and make me feel upset. Zach has some serious body conscious issues and every time someone hooks up with him he likes to rub it in my face. 100% Annoying...

All this makes me want to do is work out harder and be even more in shape than I am now (which is exactly what I'm going to do). I know it sounds like I'm hitting him at his level- but if someone is going to try that hard to hurt me... why wouldn't I take advantage of an opportunity to hurt him while also improving the health and appearance of my body?

You guys are great.
this shit is like therapy

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