Saturday, October 27, 2007


So, basically, I've made the decision to put myself out there a little bit more. Guess what happened? IT WAS A TOTAL SHITSTORM!

The first time I go out with a huge group of gays- I build a repuation... and it's untrue NOT TO MENTION negative!
Apparently I'm dirty (even though I'm a virgin) and "unsafe."
Sweet- I go out one night and some envious faggot decides to talk shit about me. Not cool- not...

It turns me off that much more- I have absolutely no desire to be associated with all of these people. All I want to be is RESPECTED. No- I do not care what people say about me... however I do care to KNOW what people are saying about me- so I don't end up making a fool of myself LATER.

I hate the gays...

1 comment:

Jake said...

Welcome to the gay community pal. It only gets worse from here.