Monday, November 19, 2007

The Finer Things In Life

We totally take for granted. My other roommate ZACH decides to buy the generic PAPER THIN kind of toilet paper.
I, however, insist upon spending the extra $3.00 dollars for th Charmin 3 ply Jumbo pack.
Why, Zach, are you such a cheap son of a bitch? Why can't you just buy the nice TP?

class until 7:30 tonight.

1 comment:

J.R. said...

Dude, so Kansas is doing pretty good right now -- 2nd on the BCS. Was thinking it'd be pretty dope if y'all got the title this year, seeing as how Texas (my alma mater) got it two years ago, and Florida (K's alma mater) got it last year. Gotta keep it in the gay bloggers circle, right?

Just a random thought I had while in the shower this morning. Hope you're doin' alright.

Nothing Golden Stays